Monday, July 14, 2008

Thinking Ahead-- Candle Magick Prep

My dear friends, as the summer storms cause us to lose power, I do hope you're saving your candle stubs. Aren't you?

Cut the tops off your used gallon milk jugs and label them with the seven colors: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, violet, and black. (More colors if you need, of course) Drop your candle stubs into the appropriate bin. Bug your friends for theirs, if they have them. I tack my bins to the wall of my Working shed for easy sorting, but you may not have the room for this.

Do this year 'round as you use up your candles, especially your consecrated ones. Why waste all that lovely energy you expended? You don't just waste them, do you? I didn't think so!

Take the time to make sure of your stock of herbs, crystal bits, and other components like copal. Buy a bit at a time. The essential oils are frightfully expensive, aren't they? Think ahead to what candles you might need and what components you might use with them. We use a lot of healing candles in our coven, so we're especially careful to gather up components associated with healing. However, we're limited a bit by my allergy to eucalyptus and substitute menthol and mint. (Not good to have the HPS stop breathing midway through rituals, you know! LOL!)

Plan ahead so we can make candles in November and consecrate them at Yule. Much to do during the Dark Time!

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