Thursday, July 31, 2008

The Day Before Lammas

Let's do a fast inventory and prepare your altar in a stress-free manner.

1. Altar cloth
2. Candles
3. Incense
4. Salt
5. Cakes and Ale items and a platter/glasses for all.
6. Seasonal decorations

Do your make-aheads now. Bake the bread, and consider your drinks. If you're making the Slushy Punch, this is your last chance to get it frozen.

Do as much pre-prep as you can for tomorrow. Chop the vegetables and bag them, make the rice (if any), and mix any dry ingredients. Leave the butter out to soften tonight or early in the morning tomorrow, depending on when guests will arrive.

Set the table well in advance and have all the serving dishes, plates, glasses, and flatware laid out. Consider a large tub, cooler, or bowl of ice so guests don't have to keep opening the refrigerator.

Give the public areas of the house/covenstead a cleaning and asperge with lemon water to cleanse and freshen the area. Sprinkle new salt if things have been a bit stressful in your home of late. Don't forget the bathroom.

Are you traveling elsewhere to celebrate? What can you put in the car tonight to save time and worry tomorrow?

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