Monday, July 14, 2008

Gardening- A Perky Pot Filter

I've been "caught" plenty of times without my landscaping fabric, which is stored in a shed far from where I do my potting work. That big old roll is a monster to lug anyway, so this is a wonderful alternative.
By the way, my friends! Now is the time to get out the file and sharpen up those shovels. It will soon be time to dig bulbs for the winter and separate your perennials that have crowded each other to death.
Mark your calendars now with your first frost date and be prepared! Start saving those onion bags and old nylon stockings to hang your bulbs safely for winter storage in a cool, dry place.
While you're at it, start putting aside money for that bag of fall fertilizer. It's almost time for that final fall feeding in the Zones north of 6. You'll want to do this soon, if your first frost date is looming. Don't make your garden friends starve this winter because you were lazy.

1 comment:

Vickie said...

I've been blog surfing and came across yours and love it. I'll be back often. Take Care :)