Saturday, July 12, 2008

Lammas Recipe-- Slushy Punch

Lammas Recipe—Slushy Punch

Hint: Keep the slush in the freezer at all times in the summer for spur of the moment guests. For each serving, combine equal amounts of slush and carbonated water or lemon-lime carbonated beverage like Sprite or 7-Up.

1 cup sugar
2-3/4 cups water
2 ripe medium bananas, cut up
3 cups unsweetened pineapple juice
1 6 oz can frozen orange juice concentrate
2 tablespoons lemon juice
1 1-liter bottle of carbonated water or lemon-lime carbonated beverage

Stir sugar and water together until sugar dissolves. Combine the bananas, half the pineapple juice, and orange juice concentrate in the food processor and whirl until combined. Add to sugar mix, and then stir in the lemon juice and the rest of the pineapple juice. Make sure it’s thoroughly blended.

Transfer this to a 13x9 baking pan or a similarly shaped freezer container for long-term storage. Freeze for several hours until firm.

To serve, let mixture stand at room temperature for 20-30 minutes. To form a slush, scrape a large sturdy spoon across the surface of the frozen mixture. Plop about ½ cup into a drink container, and add an equal amount of carbonated beverage.


Eden Rivers said...

Hi Lena,

What a great idea, blogging on recipes and crafts based around the Sabbats! This year for Lammas, we put our foot down and said the in-laws can't be here over the holiday, so we'll get to do a big summer harvest meal and other festivities. Bread baking is one of our Lammas favorites :-)


Lee Plumb said...

Thanks, Eden! Please feel free to send me any good Lammas recipes you have for bread. Full credit, of course.

I posted my favorite corn bread recipe. It'll show up on the 22nd, I think.

Jeanne said...

That drink sounds incredibly refreshing.
Gonna print out the recipe!
Thanks, Lena

Lena Austin said...

Thank you, Jeanne!