Thursday, June 26, 2008

Lawns for Poor Soils and Lazy People

I have heard your cries from the wilderness of weedy yards, poor soils, and bad weather! I'm here with the ultimate solution to all your yard problems that costs you less than $10. Yes, that decimal is in the right location.

How would you like a lawn that's nearly maintenance free, dark green, and smells like heaven when you mow? One plant will grow easily even in the most adverse conditions, spreads on its own, and has the benefit of being useful: Mint.

Yes, I said mint. Doesn't matter if it's spearmint or peppermint. Your choice. One or two packets of seeds or small plants will do the job because mint is an invasive plant. It spreads on its own. Don't just throw down the seeds and walk away. A little effort on your part now pays big dividents later. Take the time to make sure your little plants survive one year, and they'll spread their seeds all over your yard, making more plants over time.

Yes, this could take a year or two. You can step up the process by buying more mint plants and setting them in various places throughout your yard and let them establish themselves. (That means don't mow over them for a year.) Let them sow their seeds and give you lots of baby mint plants for free.

This works even in cold climates, though you end up treating the mint plants like annuals. They'll die back, but at least the snow covers them until spring. It should still work. I did this as far north as Virginia with excellent results, so I'd love to hear from those in harsher climates.

1 comment:

Hot Ash Romance Novels said...

Hey there! *Northern gardener raising hand.

Mint is one of my NH garden's most faithful perennials. I love it! Let's not forget the fact that mint is about the best herb to attract money! Can you imagine a whole lawn full of it? Wow!

Not to mention the delicious Mint Juleups (?sp) they make. Yum. You could wash your clipping and put them in a vat of Jack Daniels. Strain, add a sprig for garnish and invite me over!
